четверг, 29 сентября 2016 г.

Крым. Мраморная пещера

Crimea. Marble Сave

Photos of Marble Cave in the Crimea, where we wandered in September 2015. Names for the stone figures I invented himself, while editing photos. If you want, you can invent your own version:)

понедельник, 26 сентября 2016 г.

Города России. Юрьев-Польский

Cities of Russia. Yuriev-Polsky

At the beginning of March 2016 me and my wife made a small tour through the ancient Russian cities: Yuriev-Polsky, Suzdal, Murom. Here is a small photo report on the first link of this chain. Yuriev-Polsky - gloomy alloy from merchant houses, churches, hopelessness and alienation under the sunless March sky.

Of course I'm kidding. There is, of course, and other Yuriev-Polsky - surrounded by trees, ringing of bells and smelling of bagels with poppy seeds from the shopping rows. Such is the weather was on our journey - the abyss, dirt, darkness and bumps on roads. It have a special charm, if you know how to love things like that.

пятница, 23 сентября 2016 г.

Гробницы царей

Cyprus. Tombs of the kings

The January holidays of 2015 we spent in Cyprus. We drove a little here and there, and lived in Paphos. The weather basically lucky - just once was realy rainy for the whole day. It was during a trip to Limassol, where we managed to see the castle where Richard the Lionheart married.

In the town of Paphos a lot of interesting places - promenade with a fortress, churches, herds of cats, and many ancient tombs. You walk down the street, and then bang - you see the tomb of ancient descent. And there again the cats and candles with icons.
But the dominance of ancient tombs was in a place called Tombs of the Kings. This is a real necropolis on the Mediterranean coast. And the weather in that day was really great: hanging clouds of steel, the sun periodically shining suddenly through black skies. Epic color saturation, contrast rolls over - a paradise for the photographer. 

вторник, 20 сентября 2016 г.

Усадьба Знаменское-Садки

Abandoned estate Znamenskoe-Sadki 

At the end of last February 2016 me and comrade Sanya aka Ergo walked on Bitza park and accidentally wandered in abandoned estate Znamenskoye-Sadki.
Before the Revolution, it belonged to Prince Trubetskoy; subsequently here was a farm, Agricultural College and Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology. Now the main manor house is abandoned. Other buildings belongs to All-Russian Research Institute of nature conservation. The area is closed and guarded, but it is officially possible to visit estate in part of tour groups.

воскресенье, 18 сентября 2016 г.

Города России. Смоленск

Cities of Russia. Smolensk

Just returned from a two week car trip to Belarus. Currently I decide to check my photos and ponder impressions. The first thing I decided to do is a post dedicated to the old Russian city Smolensk, where we spent the evening and camped out before crossing the border with Belarus.
In addition, it occurred to me that it would be good from time to time to do the posts dedicated to the cities, that I ever visited. 

Только вернулись из двухнедельного путешествия по Белоруссии. Привезли кучу фоток и впечатлений, которые я еще долго буду разгребать и осмысливать. Так что первым делом я решил запилить пост про наш старинный русский город Смоленск, где мы отлично погуляли и переночевали за день до пересечения белорусской границы.
К тому же, мне пришло в голову, что неплохо было бы время от времени делать посты, посвященные старым городам, где я когда-либо был.